Tag Archives: Marius Romme

The Hearing Voices Café: a conversation with Caroline Von Taysen

Last Friday, at the Hearing Voices Café, conversation with Caroline von Taysen on anti-psychiatry, trialogic  psychiatry structures (experiencers, family, health professionals), political nuances and drives of the Hearing Voices movement, England, Kenya, the States; How there is no paradise country for the voice-hearer; the Hearing Voices movement in Germany; psychopharmacy and long term thinking, Trieste, guilt, crisis and life.

Marius Romme, How to solve the schizophrenia problem

Marius Romme

How to solve the schizophrenia problem

6th World Hearing Voices Congress Thessaloniki

Odysseying with the sirens


Congress speech


Thank you so much, hello, will you please stand up not for me, but for yourselves? Stand up and say hello to your neighbor. OK, now thank you very much and sit down, good idea. Now we go on.

Good morning, I was very much impressed by the last speech of Irene. I was very impressed because she said quite rightly: “Don’t give a diagnosis” and that means you do not have, you should not accept a diagnosis. And this is what I am talking about when I talk about “How to solve the schizophrenia problem”. I would also like to thank and congratulate those who organized this congress in times of crisis. This crisis makes people very creative. It has something positive as well. It is great to have the discussion about the emancipation of the Hearing voices movement in this classical culture country, Greece. This fits with the atmosphere where we would like to emancipate hearing voices. Continue reading Marius Romme, How to solve the schizophrenia problem

KUNST Krankheit als Metapher

KUNST Krankheit als Metapher

Spannende Therapie: Die Schau mit dem interessanten Beinamen “Das Irre im Garten der Arten” eröffnet im Kunsthaus – und an verschiedenen Außenstationen.

Hören Sie Stimmen? Dann sind Sie im The Hearing Voices Cafévon Dora Garcia genau richtig, das sie am 13. Oktober im Café Traumzeit am Hansaplatz eröffnet. Die spanische Künstlerin beschäftigt sich mit der Bewegung der Stimmenhörer, die sich nicht als Therapeuten, sondern als Bürgerrechtler verstehen und seit den 1970er Jahren gegen die Stigmatisierung des Voice-Hearing als Geisteskrankheit oder Halluzination kämpfen. Continue reading KUNST Krankheit als Metapher

The voice inside, by Paul Baker. No 1: Introduction

The voice inside: A practical guide to coping with hearing voices by Paul Baker.


How work on the hearing voices experience has developed.

How did it start?

The first UK Hearing Voices Group was formed in 1988. It began as a small planning group originating in Manchester, inspired by the pioneering work of Professor Marius Romme, a psychiatrist from Maastricht in the Netherlands, and the Dutch self help group Foundation Resonance which was established through this work. Members of the UK group have visited Maastricht many times and attended conferences organised by the Foundation and in return have hosted visits by the Dutch workers. In 1989 the Manchester group organised a speaking tour in the North of England for Marius Romme, Sandra Escher (science journalist) and Anse Streefland (a non-patient voice hearer and Chair of Resonance). The meetings were very well attended by voice hearers, their relatives, and interested professionals. This has become a regular annual visit. Continue reading The voice inside, by Paul Baker. No 1: Introduction